want to get the image from youtube embed code (new and old) and from youtube video url this function will help you ,
function video_image($youtube_code) { // get the video code if this is an embed code (old embed) preg_match('/youtube\.com\/v\/([\w\-]+)/', $youtube_code, $match); // if old embed returned an empty ID, try capuring the ID from the new iframe embed if($match[1] == '') preg_match('/youtube\.com\/embed\/([\w\-]+)/', $youtube_code, $match); // if it is not an embed code, get the video code from the youtube URL if($match[1] == '') preg_match('/v\=(.+)&/',$youtube_code ,$match); if($match[1] == '') preg_match('/v\=(.+)/',$youtube_code ,$match); // get the corresponding thumbnail images $full_size_thumbnail_image['small'] = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$match[1]."/0.jpg"; $full_size_thumbnail_image['large'] = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$match[1]."/1.jpg"; $full_size_thumbnail_image['medium'] = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$match[1]."/2.jpg"; $full_size_thumbnail_image['smallmedium'] = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$match[1]."/3.jpg"; // return whichever thumbnail image you would like to retrieve return $full_size_thumbnail_image; } print_r(video_image('youtube embed code, url wil come here')); ?>